Friday, May 22, 2015







Cloudburst!  An explosion of poetry. 

This was the fourth year of the Cloudburst gathering.  Two dozen poets gathered in the Gell

 Center near Naples, NY to read their own poetry, listen to the poetry of others, argue about

poetry, all the activities dear to a poet’s heart.

 This year there were three panels:  Grace, with Judy Kerman, David Landrey and moi; Stillness,

 with Dwain Wilder , Steve Lewandowski, Alan Casline and Alifair Skebe; and John C Clarke,

 teacher/poet from the doctoral program at the State University of Buffalo, with former students

 John Roche, Stephen Baraban and Michael Peters.

 One of the best discussions that evolved was the dichotomy between accessibility and obscurity

 which confounds many in our modern poetry world.  No resolution but I stood up for William

Stafford who was my mentor while the others argued for the benefits of “difficult” poetry.

 It’s an argument that will only be solved by the future.  Which one will survive, which school

will get a name, be the subject of a dissertation, article, etc.  My own take is that obscurity will

 win.  Obscure poems need litprofs to explain them.  It’s a form of job security. 

 When I was in grad school and took a seminar on Frost, the professor thought he’d been

denigrated by his colleagues for teaching Frost (under the accessible umbrella). 
But no matter, it is so wonderful to argue about poetry and how it is evolving in this early part

 of the 21st century.  A hundred years ago, Pound and imagism was transforming how poetry

 was written.  Would these early years would do something as revolutionary.