Sunday, February 16, 2014


Here I am in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, really.  Arrived yesterday and wanted
to record the truth (as I see it, anyway, or face the consequences).  After a four hour delay sitting the Baltimore airport, I arrived in Albuquerque as the sun set in a red line across the western horizon. Then a full moon came out of nowhere.  Or so it seemed.

I decided to keep a blog because I am a journaling addict.  I wanted to feature the things I love - poetry, haiku, especially, rummaging (recycling clothes) and recycling writings that never seemed to go quite as expected (writing duds).  Great starts, usually, but no finish.

After a night at a Ramada in Albuquerque, my Garmin friend directed me to Route 25 south which
I followed all the way here.

speed limit 75
straight road lined
with white crosses

nothing ahead
behind me -
dotted line

rest stop sign
at LaSocorra
watch for rattle snakes

making themselves into hills
rock fall

Nogen Canyon
"gusty winds may be present"
or not

full moon
over Starry Nights
two weeks?

There is a thrift shop here called Paws and Claws (or something like that) - sounds like part of the Consequences.  Will check it out. 

When I figure out what I'm doing - I will even add pictures.

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